00001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00002 -- 00003 -- (c) Copyright 2009-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. 00004 -- 00005 -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information 00006 -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and 00007 -- international copyright and other intellectual property 00008 -- laws. 00009 -- 00010 -- DISCLAIMER 00011 -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any 00012 -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as 00013 -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by 00014 -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable 00015 -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND 00016 -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES 00017 -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING 00018 -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- 00019 -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and 00020 -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, 00021 -- including negligence, or under any other theory of 00022 -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature 00023 -- related to, arising under or in connection with these 00024 -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, 00025 -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage 00026 -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of 00027 -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought 00028 -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was 00029 -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the 00030 -- possibility of the same. 00031 -- 00032 -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS 00033 -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- 00034 -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe 00035 -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or 00036 -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, 00037 -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any 00038 -- other applications that could lead to death, personal 00039 -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage 00040 -- (individually and collectively, "Critical 00041 -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and 00042 -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical 00043 -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and 00044 -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. 00045 -- 00046 -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS 00047 -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. 00048 -- 00049 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00050 -- Project : Virtex-6 Integrated Block for PCI Express 00051 -- File : pcie_upconfig_fix_3451_v6.vhd 00052 -- Version : 2.3 00053 ---- Description: Virtex6 Workaround for Root Port Upconfigurability Bug 00054 ---- 00055 ---- 00056 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00057 00058 library ieee; 00059 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 00060 use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 00061 00062 entity pcie_upconfig_fix_3451_v6 is 00063 generic ( 00064 00065 UPSTREAM_FACING : boolean := TRUE; 00066 PL_FAST_TRAIN : boolean := FALSE; 00067 LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH : bit_vector := X"08" 00068 ); 00069 port ( 00070 pipe_clk : in std_logic; 00071 pl_phy_lnkup_n : in std_logic; 00072 pl_ltssm_state : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); 00073 pl_sel_lnk_rate : in std_logic; 00074 pl_directed_link_change : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 00075 cfg_link_status_negotiated_width : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 00076 pipe_rx0_data : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 00077 pipe_rx0_char_isk : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 00078 filter_pipe : out std_logic 00079 ); 00080 end pcie_upconfig_fix_3451_v6; 00081 00082 architecture v6_pcie of pcie_upconfig_fix_3451_v6 is 00083 00084 -- purpose: perform bitwise and and check for value 00085 function slv_check ( 00086 val_in1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 00087 val_in2 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 00088 val_check : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) 00089 return std_logic is 00090 00091 variable val_bw : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"00"; 00092 begin -- slv_check 00093 for i in 7 downto 0 loop 00094 val_bw(i) := val_in1(i) and val_in2(i); 00095 end loop; -- i 00096 if val_bw = val_check then 00097 return '1'; 00098 else 00099 return '0'; 00100 end if; 00101 end slv_check; 00102 00103 FUNCTION to_stdlogic ( 00104 in_val : IN boolean) RETURN std_logic IS 00105 BEGIN 00106 IF (in_val) THEN 00107 RETURN('1'); 00108 ELSE 00109 RETURN('0'); 00110 END IF; 00111 END to_stdlogic; 00112 00113 00114 constant TCQ : integer := 1; 00115 signal reg_filter_pipe : std_logic; 00116 00117 signal reg_tsx_counter : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 00118 signal tsx_counter : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 00119 00120 signal cap_link_width : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); 00121 00122 signal reg_filter_used : std_logic; 00123 signal reg_com_then_pad : std_logic; 00124 signal reg_data0_b4 : std_logic; 00125 signal reg_data0_08 : std_logic; 00126 signal reg_data0_43 : std_logic; 00127 signal reg_data1_b4 : std_logic; 00128 signal reg_data1_08 : std_logic; 00129 signal reg_data1_43 : std_logic; 00130 signal reg_data0_com : std_logic; 00131 signal reg_data1_com : std_logic; 00132 signal reg_data1_pad : std_logic; 00133 00134 signal data0_b4 : std_logic; 00135 signal data0_08 : std_logic; 00136 signal data0_43 : std_logic; 00137 00138 signal data1_b4 : std_logic; 00139 signal data1_08 : std_logic; 00140 signal data1_43 : std_logic; 00141 00142 signal data0_com : std_logic; 00143 signal data0_pad : std_logic; 00144 00145 signal data1_com : std_logic; 00146 signal data1_pad : std_logic; 00147 00148 signal com_then_pad0 : std_logic; 00149 signal com_then_pad1 : std_logic; 00150 signal com_then_pad : std_logic; 00151 signal filter_used : std_logic; 00152 signal com_then_pad_reg : std_logic; 00153 signal filter_used_reg : std_logic; 00154 00155 -- X-HDL generated signals 00156 00157 signal v6pcie1 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 00158 signal v6pcie2 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 00159 00160 -- Declare intermediate signals for referenced outputs 00161 signal filter_pipe_v6pcie0 : std_logic; 00162 00163 begin 00164 -- Drive referenced outputs 00165 filter_pipe <= filter_pipe_v6pcie0; 00166 00167 -- Corrupting all Tsx on all lanes as soon as we do R.RC->R.RI transition to allow time for 00168 -- the core to see the TS1s on all the lanes being configured at the same time 00169 -- R.RI has a 2ms timeout.Corrupting tsxs for ~1/4 of that time 00170 -- 225 (00E1 Hex) pipe_clk cycles-sim_fast_train 00171 -- 60000 (EA60 Hex) pipe_clk cycles-without sim_fast_train 00172 -- Not taking any action when PLDIRECTEDLINKCHANGE is set 00173 00174 -- Detect xx, COM then PAD,xx or COM,PAD then PAD,xx 00175 -- data0 will be the first symbol on lane 0, data1 will be the next symbol. 00176 -- Don't look for PAD on data1 since it's unnecessary. 00177 -- COM=0xbc and PAD=0xf7 (and isk). 00178 -- detect if (data & 0xb4) == 0xb4 and isk, and then 00179 -- if (data & 0x4b) == 0x08 or 0x43. This distinguishes COM and PAD, using 00180 -- no more than a 6-input LUT, so should be "free". 00181 00182 data0_b4 <= pipe_rx0_char_isk(0) and slv_check(pipe_rx0_data(7 downto 0), X"b4", X"b4"); 00183 data0_08 <= slv_check(pipe_rx0_data(7 downto 0), X"4b", X"08"); 00184 data0_43 <= slv_check(pipe_rx0_data(7 downto 0), X"4b", X"43"); 00185 00186 data1_b4 <= pipe_rx0_char_isk(1) and slv_check(pipe_rx0_data(15 downto 8), X"b4", X"b4"); 00187 data1_08 <= slv_check(pipe_rx0_data(15 downto 8), X"4b", X"08"); 00188 data1_43 <= slv_check(pipe_rx0_data(15 downto 8), X"4b", X"43"); 00189 00190 data0_com <= reg_data0_b4 and reg_data0_08; 00191 data1_com <= reg_data1_b4 and reg_data1_08; 00192 data0_pad <= reg_data0_b4 and reg_data0_43; 00193 data1_pad <= reg_data1_b4 and reg_data1_43; 00194 com_then_pad0 <= reg_data0_com and reg_data1_pad and data0_pad; 00195 com_then_pad1 <= reg_data1_com and data0_pad and data1_pad; 00196 com_then_pad <= (com_then_pad0 or com_then_pad1) and not(reg_filter_used); 00197 00198 filter_used <= to_stdlogic(pl_ltssm_state = "100000") and (reg_filter_pipe or reg_filter_used); 00199 00200 com_then_pad_reg <= com_then_pad when ((not(pl_phy_lnkup_n)) = '1') else 00201 '0'; 00202 filter_used_reg <= filter_used when ((not(pl_phy_lnkup_n)) = '1') else 00203 '0'; 00204 process (pipe_clk) 00205 begin 00206 if (pipe_clk'event and pipe_clk = '1') then 00207 reg_data0_b4 <= data0_b4 after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00208 reg_data0_08 <= data0_08 after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00209 reg_data0_43 <= data0_43 after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00210 reg_data1_b4 <= data1_b4 after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00211 reg_data1_08 <= data1_08 after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00212 reg_data1_43 <= data1_43 after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00213 reg_data0_com <= data0_com after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00214 reg_data1_com <= data1_com after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00215 reg_data1_pad <= data1_pad after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00216 reg_com_then_pad <= com_then_pad_reg after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00217 00218 reg_filter_used <= filter_used_reg after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00219 end if; 00220 end process; 00221 00222 v6pcie1 <= X"0320" when (pl_sel_lnk_rate = '1') else 00223 X"0190"; 00224 v6pcie2 <= X"00E1" when (PL_FAST_TRAIN) else 00225 v6pcie1; 00226 00227 process (pipe_clk) 00228 begin 00229 if (pipe_clk'event and pipe_clk = '1') then 00230 00231 if (pl_phy_lnkup_n = '1') then 00232 00233 reg_tsx_counter <= "0000000000000000" after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00234 reg_filter_pipe <= '0' after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00235 00236 elsif ((pl_ltssm_state = "100000") and (reg_com_then_pad = '1') and (("00" & cfg_link_status_negotiated_width) /= cap_link_width(5 downto 0)) and (pl_directed_link_change(1 downto 0) = "00")) then 00237 00238 reg_tsx_counter <= "0000000000000000" after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00239 reg_filter_pipe <= '1' after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00240 00241 elsif (filter_pipe_v6pcie0 = '1') then 00242 00243 if (tsx_counter < v6pcie2) then 00244 00245 reg_tsx_counter <= tsx_counter + "0000000000000001" after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00246 reg_filter_pipe <= '1' after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00247 00248 else 00249 00250 reg_tsx_counter <= "0000000000000000" after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00251 reg_filter_pipe <= '0' after (TCQ)*1 ps; 00252 00253 end if; 00254 end if; 00255 end if; 00256 end process; 00257 00258 00259 filter_pipe_v6pcie0 <= '0' when (UPSTREAM_FACING) else 00260 reg_filter_pipe; 00261 tsx_counter <= reg_tsx_counter; 00262 00263 cap_link_width <= to_stdlogicvector(LINK_CAP_MAX_LINK_WIDTH); 00264 00265 end v6_pcie; 00266 00267