00001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 --
00003 -- Title       : ctrl_ram16_v1
00004 -- Author      : Dmitry Smekhov
00005 -- Company     : Instrumental System
00006 -- E-mail      : dsmv@insys.ru
00007 --
00008 -- Version     : 1.0     
00009 --
00010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00011 --
00012 -- Description :  Теневое ОЗУ для командных регистров и констант
00013 --
00014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00016 library ieee;
00017 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
00019 library work;
00020 use     work.host_pkg.all;
00022 package ctrl_ram16_v1_pkg is
00024 component ctrl_ram16_v1 is         
00025         generic (
00026                 rom                     : in bh_rom                     -- значения констант
00027         );
00028         port(
00029                 clk                     : in std_logic;         -- Тактовая частота
00031                 adr                     : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0 );    -- адрес
00032                 data_in         : in std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );   -- вход данных
00033                 data_out        : out std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );  -- выход данных
00035                 data_we         : in std_logic          -- 1 - запись данных
00037         );
00038 end component;
00040 end package ctrl_ram16_v1_pkg;     
00045 library ieee;
00046 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
00048 library unisim;
00049 use unisim.vcomponents.all;
00051 library work;
00052 use     work.host_pkg.all;
00056 entity ctrl_ram16_v1 is    
00057         generic (
00058                 rom                     : in bh_rom                     -- значения констант
00059         );
00060         port(
00061                 clk                     : in std_logic;         -- Тактовая частота
00063                 adr                     : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0 );    -- адрес
00064                 data_in         : in std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );   -- вход данных
00065                 data_out        : out std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );  -- выход данных
00067                 data_we         : in std_logic          -- 1 - запись данных
00069         );
00070 end ctrl_ram16_v1;
00073 architecture ctrl_ram16_v1 of ctrl_ram16_v1 is
00075 function conv_rom( rom: in bh_rom; mode: integer ) return bit_vector is
00076  variable ret: bit_vector( 15 downto 0 );
00077 begin
00078         for i in 0 to 7 loop
00079                 ret( i ):=to_bit( rom( i )( mode ), '0' );
00080         end loop;
00081         for i in 8 to 15 loop
00082                 ret( i ):='0';
00083         end loop;
00084         return ret;
00085 end conv_rom;   
00087 function conv_string( rom: in bh_rom; mode: integer ) return string is
00088  variable str: string( 4 downto 1 );
00090  variable d     : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
00091  variable c     : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 );
00092  variable k     : integer;
00093 begin                    
00097   for i in 0 to 7 loop                          
00098         d(i):=rom( i )( mode );
00099   end loop;
00100   for i in 8 to 15 loop                         
00101         d(i):='0';
00102   end loop;
00104   for j in 0 to 3 loop
00105          c:=d( j*4+3 downto j*4 );
00106          k:=j+1;
00107          case c is
00108                 when x"0" => str(k) := '0';
00109                 when x"1" => str(k) := '1';
00110                 when x"2" => str(k) := '2';
00111                 when x"3" => str(k) := '3';
00112                 when x"4" => str(k) := '4';
00113                 when x"5" => str(k) := '5';
00114                 when x"6" => str(k) := '6';
00115                 when x"7" => str(k) := '7';
00116                 when x"8" => str(k) := '8';
00117                 when x"9" => str(k) := '9';
00118                 when x"A" => str(k) := 'A';
00119                 when x"B" => str(k) := 'B';
00120                 when x"C" => str(k) := 'C';
00121                 when x"D" => str(k) := 'D';
00122                 when x"E" => str(k) := 'E';
00123                 when x"F" => str(k) := 'F';     
00124                 when others => null;
00125          end case;
00126   end loop; 
00128   return str;
00129 end conv_string;        
00132 constant rom_init_00    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 0 );
00133 constant rom_init_01    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 1 );
00134 constant rom_init_02    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 2 );
00135 constant rom_init_03    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 3 );
00136 constant rom_init_04    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 4 );
00137 constant rom_init_05    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 5 );
00138 constant rom_init_06    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 6 );
00139 constant rom_init_07    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 7 );
00140 constant rom_init_08    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 8 );
00141 constant rom_init_09    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 9 );
00142 constant rom_init_0A    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 10 );
00143 constant rom_init_0B    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 11 );
00144 constant rom_init_0C    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 12 );
00145 constant rom_init_0D    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 13 );
00146 constant rom_init_0E    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 14 );
00147 constant rom_init_0F    : bit_vector( 15 downto 0 ):= conv_rom( rom, 15 );
00151 constant str_init_00    : string:= conv_string( rom, 0 );
00152 constant str_init_01    : string:= conv_string( rom, 1 );
00153 constant str_init_02    : string:= conv_string( rom, 2 );
00154 constant str_init_03    : string:= conv_string( rom, 3 );
00155 constant str_init_04    : string:= conv_string( rom, 4 );
00156 constant str_init_05    : string:= conv_string( rom, 5 );
00157 constant str_init_06    : string:= conv_string( rom, 6 );
00158 constant str_init_07    : string:= conv_string( rom, 7 );
00159 constant str_init_08    : string:= conv_string( rom, 8 );
00160 constant str_init_09    : string:= conv_string( rom, 9 );
00161 constant str_init_0A    : string:= conv_string( rom, 10 );
00162 constant str_init_0B    : string:= conv_string( rom, 11 );
00163 constant str_init_0C    : string:= conv_string( rom, 12 );
00164 constant str_init_0D    : string:= conv_string( rom, 13 );
00165 constant str_init_0E    : string:= conv_string( rom, 14 );
00166 constant str_init_0F    : string:= conv_string( rom, 15 );
00169 --attribute rom_style : string;
00170 --attribute rom_style of xram   : label is "block";
00172 --attribute init                        : string;
00173 --
00174 --attribute init of xram0        : label is  str_init_00;
00175 --attribute init of xram1        : label is  str_init_01;
00176 --attribute init of xram2        : label is  str_init_02;
00177 --attribute init of xram3        : label is  str_init_03;
00178 --attribute init of xram4        : label is  str_init_04;
00179 --attribute init of xram5        : label is  str_init_05;
00180 --attribute init of xram6        : label is  str_init_06;
00181 --attribute init of xram7        : label is  str_init_07;
00182 --attribute init of xram8        : label is  str_init_08;
00183 --attribute init of xram9        : label is  str_init_09;
00184 --attribute init of xram10 : label is  str_init_0A;
00185 --attribute init of xram11 : label is  str_init_0B;
00186 --attribute init of xram12 : label is  str_init_0C;
00187 --attribute init of xram13 : label is  str_init_0D;
00188 --attribute init of xram14 : label is  str_init_0E;
00189 --attribute init of xram15 : label is  str_init_0F;
00190 --
00193 signal  wr              : std_logic;    -- 1 - запись в память
00194 begin
00196 wr <= '1' when data_we='1' and adr(4)='0' and adr(3)='1' else '0';
00199 xram0:  ram16x1d 
00200                 generic map(
00201                         init =>  rom_init_00
00202                 )
00203                 port map(
00204                         we      => wr,
00205                         d       => data_in( 0 ),
00206                         wclk => clk,
00207                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00208                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00209                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00210                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00211                         spo     => data_out( 0 ),
00212                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00213                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00214                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00215                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00216                 );
00218 xram1:  ram16x1d 
00219                 generic map(
00220                         init =>  rom_init_01
00221                 )
00222                 port map(
00223                         we      => wr,
00224                         d       => data_in( 1 ),
00225                         wclk => clk,
00226                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00227                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00228                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00229                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00230                         spo     => data_out( 1 ),
00231                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00232                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00233                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00234                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00235                 );
00237 xram2:  ram16x1d 
00238                 generic map(
00239                         init =>  rom_init_02
00240                 )
00241                 port map(
00242                         we      => wr,
00243                         d       => data_in( 2 ),
00244                         wclk => clk,
00245                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00246                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00247                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00248                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00249                         spo     => data_out( 2 ),
00250                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00251                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00252                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00253                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00254                 );
00256 xram3:  ram16x1d 
00257                 generic map(
00258                         init =>  rom_init_03
00259                 )
00260                 port map(
00261                         we      => wr,
00262                         d       => data_in( 3 ),
00263                         wclk => clk,
00264                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00265                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00266                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00267                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00268                         spo     => data_out( 3 ),
00269                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00270                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00271                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00272                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00273                 );
00275 xram4:  ram16x1d 
00276                 generic map(
00277                         init =>  rom_init_04
00278                 )
00279                 port map(
00280                         we      => wr,
00281                         d       => data_in( 4 ),
00282                         wclk => clk,
00283                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00284                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00285                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00286                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00287                         spo     => data_out( 4 ),
00288                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00289                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00290                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00291                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00292                 );
00294 xram5:  ram16x1d 
00295                 generic map(
00296                         init =>  rom_init_05
00297                 )
00298                 port map(
00299                         we      => wr,
00300                         d       => data_in( 5 ),
00301                         wclk => clk,
00302                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00303                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00304                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00305                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00306                         spo     => data_out( 5 ),
00307                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00308                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00309                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00310                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00311                 );
00313 xram6:  ram16x1d 
00314                 generic map(
00315                         init =>  rom_init_06
00316                 )
00317                 port map(
00318                         we      => wr,
00319                         d       => data_in( 6 ),
00320                         wclk => clk,
00321                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00322                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00323                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00324                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00325                         spo     => data_out( 6 ),
00326                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00327                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00328                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00329                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00330                 );
00332 xram7:  ram16x1d 
00333                 generic map(
00334                         init =>  rom_init_07
00335                 )
00336                 port map(
00337                         we      => wr,
00338                         d       => data_in( 7 ),
00339                         wclk => clk,
00340                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00341                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00342                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00343                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00344                         spo     => data_out( 7 ),
00345                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00346                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00347                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00348                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00349                 );
00351 xram8:  ram16x1d 
00352                 generic map(
00353                         init =>  rom_init_08
00354                 )
00355                 port map(
00356                         we      => wr,
00357                         d       => data_in( 8 ),
00358                         wclk => clk,
00359                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00360                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00361                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00362                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00363                         spo     => data_out( 8 ),
00364                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00365                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00366                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00367                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00368                 );
00370 xram9:  ram16x1d 
00371                 generic map(
00372                         init =>  rom_init_09
00373                 )
00374                 port map(
00375                         we      => wr,
00376                         d       => data_in( 9 ),
00377                         wclk => clk,
00378                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00379                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00380                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00381                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00382                         spo     => data_out( 9 ),
00383                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00384                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00385                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00386                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00387                 );
00389 xram10: ram16x1d 
00390                 generic map(
00391                         init =>  rom_init_0A
00392                 )
00393                 port map(
00394                         we      => wr,
00395                         d       => data_in( 10 ),
00396                         wclk => clk,
00397                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00398                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00399                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00400                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00401                         spo     => data_out( 10 ),
00402                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00403                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00404                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00405                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00406                 );
00408 xram11: ram16x1d 
00409                 generic map(
00410                         init =>  rom_init_0B
00411                 )
00412                 port map(
00413                         we      => wr,
00414                         d       => data_in( 11 ),
00415                         wclk => clk,
00416                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00417                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00418                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00419                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00420                         spo     => data_out( 11 ),
00421                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00422                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00423                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00424                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00425                 );
00427 xram12: ram16x1d 
00428                 generic map(
00429                         init =>  rom_init_0C
00430                 )
00431                 port map(
00432                         we      => wr,
00433                         d       => data_in( 12 ),
00434                         wclk => clk,
00435                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00436                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00437                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00438                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00439                         spo     => data_out( 12 ),
00440                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00441                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00442                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00443                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00444                 );
00446 xram13: ram16x1d 
00447                 generic map(
00448                         init =>  rom_init_0D
00449                 )
00450                 port map(
00451                         we      => wr,
00452                         d       => data_in( 13 ),
00453                         wclk => clk,
00454                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00455                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00456                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00457                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00458                         spo     => data_out( 13 ),
00459                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00460                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00461                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00462                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00463                 );
00465 xram14: ram16x1d 
00466                 generic map(
00467                         init =>  rom_init_0E
00468                 )
00469                 port map(
00470                         we      => wr,
00471                         d       => data_in( 14 ),
00472                         wclk => clk,
00473                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00474                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00475                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00476                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00477                         spo     => data_out( 14 ),
00478                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00479                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00480                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00481                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00482                 );
00484 xram15: ram16x1d 
00485                 generic map(
00486                         init =>  rom_init_0F
00487                 )
00488                 port map(
00489                         we      => wr,
00490                         d       => data_in( 15 ),
00491                         wclk => clk,
00492                         a0      => adr( 0 ),
00493                         a1      => adr( 1 ),
00494                         a2      => adr( 2 ),
00495                         a3      => adr( 3 ),
00496                         spo     => data_out( 15 ),
00497                         dpra0 => adr( 0 ),
00498                         dpra1 => adr( 1 ),
00499                         dpra2 => adr( 2 ),
00500                         dpra3 => adr( 3 )
00501                 );
00504 end ctrl_ram16_v1;